November 25th 2020
Unai has joined the PathLAKE consortium an Associate Member to support the integration of clinical data pathways. It will provide expertise in collecting, processing and storing clinical data from pathology laboratories. Unai joins AI and image analysis software supplier, Aiforia, in becoming the first Associate members of the PathLAKE pathology consortium.
The PathLAKE consortium comprises some of the UK’s leading digital and computational innovators from NHS and academia. Through the digitisation of five major NHS laboratories and the formation of a computational pathology hub, it aims to drive AI innovation in pathology for the UK and create the world’s largest depository of annotated digital whole slide images.
The consortium has many data related challenges to overcome, of which two are immediately apparent: the processing of imagery such that might enable machine learning algorithms to recognise patterns and support diagnosis, and the processing on unstandardised clinical data from multiple sources, including the five major NHS pathology laboratories.
Unai has established expertise in processing research and clinical data, having previously supported Genomics England on its 100,000 Genomes Project. Clinical data is complex and often provided in formats which do not easily integrate seamlessly into common software architectures. Inconsistencies and inaccuracies in data can have a significant knock-on effect on the diagnosis and treatment of patients and, ultimately, their individual outcomes. The aggregation of clinical data will support the development, validation and implementation of AI in cellular pathology, becoming a part of an invaluable resource for researchers and UK industry.
Unai are joined in becoming Associate Members of the consortium by Aiforia, experts in AI and image analysis software.
Speaking of the new relationship, Unai’s CEO, James Baldwin, said
“It is Unai’s mission to support those who are making a positive impact on the world, and the PathLAKE consortium certainly falls into that category. We are enormously motivated by the vision the consortium shares to build one of the largest, most comprehensive resources for digital pathology. We recognise the challenges of bringing together such complex data at a scale that has never been done before in this sector, but we are confident that through working together with academia, the NHS and fellow industrial partners, we can jointly achieve these ambitions”.
Find out more about our work in with Genomics England